Hello People,
So, Here is the latest in a compendious form:-

May it Please My Lordship
The boards of the main gate are bilingual one each in English and Bengali and needs to be replaced.
The much awaited Jalpaiguri Circuit bench of the Calcutta High Court which is going to give much respite to the litigants and lawyers of North Bengal seems to be a reality after the inauguration announcement by Hon'ble Chief Minister on 17.08.2018. With less than a month left for the formal inauguration, we decided to pay a spot visit and share the latest information and pictures with our viewers.
So, Here is the latest in a compendious form:-

This is the view from the Judges Entry from the main gate. The Litigants/Lawyers entry is from a different gate. The RCC Paver Block work (Red and Yellow) touching the ground is near completion. You can see some work being carried on over the left-over portion near the north-east corner of the pavement. Also see, the labourers fixing the RCC Paver Blocks on the left over portion of the ground. The debris at the front (Do not confuse this with shrub) is expected to be ridden off. The portico color combination of Royal Red and Snow White may be in replica to the color of the main building. The green sign board is expected to be replaced with a new board. It's a three-storied building (G + 2) with two courts on each floor and a total of 6 court-rooms.

The Court Rooms are more or less the same size as an average Court Room at the Calcutta High Court (say Court Room No. 2 of CHC). The picture above is what it looks like. A combination of White, Brown and Black. The Labourers are giving the final touch to the Court Rooms. As mentioned above there would be 6 courts (2 single judge and 2 division bench) to begin with who would be listening to all kinds of fresh filed cases and appeals therefrom for the five districts (Jalpaiguri, Alipurduar, CoochBehar, Darjeeling, and Kalimpong) and later on three (Uttar Dinajpur, Dakshin Dinajpur, and Malda) more districts would be added. To better understand the room dimensions let's have a look from a different angle.

The first row after the Judges Dias is for the Court Officers. This would be followed by three rows for lawyers/Litigants and some vacant place for everyone to stand.
The Seat for the judges is the same shape and size as that of the Calcutta High Court.

May it Please My Lordship
The boards of the main gate are bilingual one each in English and Bengali and needs to be replaced.
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