Monday, April 19, 2010

List of LPO (TPSP/Vendors) with offices in India

[Although care has been taken in preparing the information contained in the table below, the information is provided for general disclosure purposes only, and author does not, and cannot, provide any warranty, guarantee or promise express or implied concerning the content, completeness, accuracy, currency or otherwise of any individual item of information provided below in the table. The below information is provided on the basis that all readers take responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content. In case if the information is incomplete or you want to modify any part of it, please contact the author]

Below is a near-exhaustive list of LPO (TPSP/Vendors) with offices in India

Name of LPO


Services advertised in website







Acumen LPO

Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Tenessee (USA)

Intellectual property, Contract Drafting and Management, Litigation Support and Due Diligence, Legal Research and Analysis, Paralegal Services, Patent illustrations, Immigration Services and Bankruptcy Services

Adec Solutions


Adroit Legal services


Litigation Support, Contract review, Patent analysis and Research, Discovery and processing, Drafting and management, Legal Research, Regulatory and Compliance support and IPR registrations

Aeren LPO


Litigation Support, Legal Research, E-discovery and Document Review, Deposition Summaries, Contract Management, Legal Drafting and Transcription, Document Management, IP services, Corporate Due Diligence and Transfer Pricing Services

AllZone Management Solutions

Chennai, California, Florida

Litigation Support Services

ALMT Legal

Bangalore, Mumbai, London


Amatra LPO solutions


Paralegal, Legal Support, IPR services

Amity Legal Alliance




Chennai, Texas, Washington, New York

Document Review, Legal Staffing,

Aptara Corpn.


Artemis Legato Solutions

Hyderabad, London

Back Office Support, Legal Consultancy and Solutions, Legal Research of diverse and varying nature and Will Writing Service



Legal Representation, Legal Research and Analysis, Legal Transcription, Legal Drafting, Coding and Documentation and Paralegal Services


Bangalore, Dallas, Texas

E-discovery, Litigation Support

Barrasso Consulting

Acquired by Deloitte

Beryl Lexsol




Bodhi Global

Mumbai, New York, Pune

litigation support, contract review, drafting and management, corporate due diligence for mergers and acquisitions, real estate, and legal and regulatory research

BPO Experts



Brain League

Bangalore, California

IP services

Breakthrough Technologies Pvt Ltd



Delhi, Massachusets





Hyderabad, New York, California



Chennai, New York

Litigation coding

Choir De Law


Corporate Legal Services, Litigation Support, Document Management, Publishing Solutions, Real Estate Solutions, Intellectual Property, Customized Documentation, Para-Legal & Corporate Secretarial


New Delhi

Intellectual Property, Contract Drafting Management and Review, Legal Transcription, Legal Research, Legal Publishing, Legal Translation, Trademark etc.

Clutch group

Bangalore, New York, Washington, Chicago, Cleveland

legal staffing, document review, contract management, compliance and legal research

Coalscent Technology


Cobra Legal Solutions LLC

Chennai, New York, Washington, Atlanta

Document Review and Management, Legal Research and Contract Management


Chennai, Oxford, Penssylvenia

Legal Publishing


NOIDA, Bhopal

Litigation Support, Contract Review and Management, Legal Transcription, Patent and Intellectual Property, Legal Research etc.



Litigation Support, Contract/Document Review, Corporate Due Diligence and Legal Research



Document Management, Contract Management, Deposition Summarization, Immigration Services etc.

CPA Global

NCR, Jersey, Sydney, Paris, Munich, Frankfurt, Hongkong, Denmark, Japan, South Korea, Sweden, London, US,

IPR services, Document Review, Legal Research, Deposition Summaries, Litigation Documents, Contract Management


Hyderabad, Atlanta

Litigation Support, Document Review, Deposition Summary, Fact Research, Contract Management, Lease Management, Lease Abstraction, Contract Generation, Due Diligence, Intellectual Property etc.


Hyderabad, California

Patent Analytics and other IPR services

Draft n Craft

Delhi, London

Social Security Disability, Debt Collection, Deposition Summary, Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Litigation Support, Legal Transcription etc.

Dynamic Media Solutions Limited


E ValueServe

27 Offices

Intellectual Property, Legal Support Services etc.



legal research, legal writing, drafting and vetting of contracts including company incorporation documents, intellectual property related matters like patent search, patent drafting and trademark search and Tax Services

Edgesys software





Para-legal services, contract review, Background check, Intellectual Property, Litigation support and corporate compliances and governance

Epitome Ltd.


Evergreen Valley Law Group

Bangalore, San Jose

IPR Services


Mumbai, Washington

Case summaries and headnotes, Contract review, Knowledge bases, Litigation Support, Legal articles and pages, Online research, Patent research, Translations etc.


NOIDA and about 18 other locations worldwide

Contracts, Legal Research, Litigation Support and IPR Services

EZENLPO Services Pvt.Ltd


Document Drafting, Review and Management and Immigration Services



Litigation Coding

Fealty Legal Services Pvt. Ltd

Delhi, California

Patent Services, Intellectual Property Litigation and Transactional Support Services



Fox Mandal Little

Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Dhaka, Hyderabad, Kochi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Noida, New Delhi, London and Pune


Fusion Legal


Globait Interaction Softech


Global India Law Group

Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad

Patents, Trademark, Copyright and Litigation Support Services

Global Resource & Support Center (GRSC)

Mumbai, Hoston

Legal Documentation

Hermes Networks Pvt.Ltd.


PERM,H-1B, O, L-1, J-1 & Student Visa's, Change of Status & Extension of Status, Labor Certifications, Permanent Residence/Green Card, Extraordinary Ability Petitions, Consular Processing, N-400 Citizenship, Checklists, cover letters & follow up



IDS Infotech Ltd.

Chandigarh, NOIDA, Mohali, USA, Netherland, London

Litigation Support, E-discovery, Legal Research etc.

India Juris

New Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, New York




Information & Analytics

Website not fully operational

Infosys LPO

Around 52 offices

Contract Management Services, Document Review Services, Intellectual Property Services, Legal Research Services and Other Litigation and Administrative Support Services

Innodata Isogen Pvt. Ltd.

NOIDA, NYC, UK, France, Germany, Netherland, Israel

Legal Coding, Litigation Support, Case Mapping etc.

InnovarIP Consulting Group




Prior art services, Patent Analysis, Licensing Support, Patent Drafting and Trademark Search


US, UK, PAN India, South Africa, Philippines, China

Contract management, drafting, and review as well as due diligence and legal research and drafting, Document Review and Legal Transcription



Legal drafting, Legal auditing, Legal research, Due diligence and liaisoning, Trademark, Copyright, Patent and Legal Transcription

Intrust Global


Legal Brief Writing, Legal Analysis & Memo Drafting, Case Summaries, Legal Document Review and other Paralegal services, Legal transcription, Legal Claims Processing, Coding & Indexing of Documents, Legal Data Entry, Forms Processing, Early Case Assessment Document Review, Contract review, Deposition Summary and IPR related services


Mumbai, Hyderabad, New York, Los Angeles, Alabama

IPR Consultant


Trademark, Patent, Copyright etc.

IQ International E-service


ITAG Business Solutions Ltd

PAN India, 17 offshore offices

Patent, Trademarks, Design Copyright, Geographical Indication, Integrated Circuit Layout Design, IP Asset Management etc.


Kolkata, Florida

Legal Research, Document Review, Litigation Support, Contract Drafting Review and Management and Intellectual Property Support Patent & Trademarks

Just Pillars


Kaden Boriss



Kochhar Lexserve

PAN India, Atlanta

E-discovery, Litigation Support, Legal Research and Paralegal Services



Lapiz digital

Chennai, UK, US

Legal Coding



Pleading and drafting of various agreements, contracts, deeds, and other legal documents

Law Quantum




Litigation support, Legal research, Due diligence, Contract life cycle management and Paralegal Support



Drafting, Legal Research, Transcription IPR etc.


LA, NYC, Gurgaon

E-discovery and Document Review, IPR, Corporate Transactional, Legal Research and Support

Lawvie Legal Services Pvt. Ltd.

New Delhi, UK



Chennai, New York

Litigation Services, e-Discovery and Document Review, Litigation Support and Technology, Contract Management Services, Research Support, Legal Research, Patent Research



Drafting, IPR, Contract Review and Management, Legal Research

Legal Advantage


Legal Circle


Legal Ease

PAN India, Michigan

Legal Research, Litigation Support, Contract Drafting and Review

Legal Process Outsourcing Pvt. Ltd.

Delhi, Georgia

Document Review / Due Diligence, Legal Research and Intellectual Property Services

Legal Professionals-India


Legal Research and other Litigation Support Services

Legal source India


Legal World Wide Services



Delhi, New York, Zurich

Intellectual Property Management, Contract & Contract Management, Litigation Services, Research, Due Diligence and Corporate Secretarial





Document Management, Legal Research etc.

Lex artis



Gurgaon, US

Legal Research, E-discovery and Litigation Support, IPR, Contract Review Drafting and Management etc.




PAN India, Canada

Same as Kochhar Lexserve


Kolkata, US, UK

Legal Drafting, IPR, Document Review, Contract Review and Management





Legal research, Contract drafting, Litigation support services, Legal claim processing, Legal coding, Deposition summary etc.


Hyderabad, Virginia

IPR, Contract Drafting Review and management, Litigation Support, Document Management and Legal Research



Litigation support, Transaction support, IPR services, Legal research, Corporate secretarial, Regulatory & compliance support

Link Consulting

Delhi, US


Lotus Legal





LPO India


Intellectual Property Right Services, Para Legal Services, Litigation support, General Legal Research & Review, Corporate Law, Real Estate Law, Family Law, Contract Review, Amendments & Proofing

Manthan Legal

Bangalore, Florida, Vancouver

Document Review, Litigation support, Bankruptcy, Contract Review, Medico-legal Services etc.



Document Review, Legal Transcription, Contract review and management, Legal Research, Patent Search etc.

Microbridge Solutions Private Limited

Chandigarh, Texas, Canada, UK

Litigation Support, Legal Research, Legal transcription, Litigation Coding etc.


Chicago, San Francisco, Washington DC, New York, Mumbai, Pune

Litigation Support, Contracts Management, Compliance and Legal Research, Legal Analytics, Real Estate

Mindsprings Solutions


Legal Research and Drafting, IP Services, Deposition Summaries, E-discovery, Litigation Support, Legal Transcription and Paralegal Services

Miracle Legal

New delhi




Contract Review, Legal Research etc.

New galaxy

Mumbai, Pune, London, Chicago

Legal risk management, Commercial contracts, Legal Due Diligence, Legal document synopses and database creation



Document Review, Document Management and Mergers and Acquisition related due diligence

Ntrust Infotech

Chennai, California

Lease abstraction and other related services

Office tiger

Acquired by DONNELLEY

Offshore Services To Lawyers

Gurgaon, Pennsylvania

Legal Research, Deposition Summary, Document review, IPR and Paralegal Services

Omniglobe International

Gurgaon, Maryland

Legal Documentation Services



Litigation Support, Contract Management, IP, Real-Estate, Legal Research



Legal Research, Brief Writing, Document Review, Memo writing, Mergers and Acquisitions etc.


Mumbai, New York

Contract Management & Abstraction, Contract Drafting & Revision, M&A Due Diligence, Patent & IP Litigation, E-Discovery, Document Review, Litigation Support, Legal Research etc.

Patent KPO Solutions



New delhi


Philips & Co.


Legal Transcription etc.



ProDigii Ecall Pvt. Ltd


Prodigy Infotech Chennai Pvt. Ltd.


Litigation Services

Prodigy Legal

Pune, New York

IPR, Contract Management, Litigation Support, Bankruptcy, Document Review, Legal Research etc.

Proleptic Datacentric Pvt. Ltd.


Quatrro Legal Solutions

Gurgaon, Florida and 11 other locations

Litigation Support, Contract Management, Intellectual Property, Legal Research, Bankruptcy etc.


Hyderabad, NY

Litigation Services, Antitrust, Contract Review and Management, Mergers & Acquisitions, Research, Real Estate

Raj Kishore Associates

Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore

Legal Coding, Legal Documentation, Legal Research, Generating standard formats of Pleadings, Complaints, Summons etc.,

Renuka Infocom

Delhi, San Diego, California


Research Dynamics




RVS Global


Sai Outsourcing Company

Cochin, Mumbai, Australia

Insurance process etc.

Scope E Knowledge

Chennai, London, Virginia, Japan, Belgium, Netherland

Patent Search

SDD Global

Mysore, NYC, London

Legal Research, Legal Drafting, Patent Services, Litigation Support etc.

Southsoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd


SQ Global

owned by Quislex


Delhi, Florida, Virginia, Japan, China

IP services

Suntech India


Legal Research, Contract Management, Litigation Support, Legal Transcription, Paralegal services etc.

Talwar & Talwar Consultants

Chandigarh, California

Patent Services, Legal Research, Litigation Support, Document Review, Deposition Summary, Contract and Paralegal Services


Prior Art Search, Patent Illustration, Legal Research




Mumbai, Chennai

Contract Drafting and Management, Document Review, Legal Research

True legal partners


Trustman & Co.

Tusker Group

Chennai, Bangalore, 7 US location

Document Review etc.


Bangalore, New Jersey

Business Law, Consumer Law, Criminal Law, Employment & Labor Law, Family Law, Immigration Law, Intellectual Property Law, Litigation Support, Legal Research


Gurgaon, Kansas, London, Israel

Intellectual Property, Contract Review and Management, Legal Research etc.

Valgen BP


Variante Global

Hyderabad, Pune, New York

Litigation Services, Intellectual property, Immigration

VEE technology

Bangalore, Chicago

Legal Research, E-discovery, Legal Motions / Legal Briefs, Contract Drafting /Contract Management Patent support etc.

Venkat's Law Zone



Verist Online




Verve communications

Pune, Dubai, London, Texas

Corporate Legal Services, Litigation Support, IPR etc.


Bangalore, Texas

IPR, Legal and Paralegal Services

White Forest


Wipro LPO

Delhi and about 90 other locations throughout world

Contract Management, Legal Support Services, Document Management, IPR


Mumbai, New York, Middlesex and 17 other locations

Property Law, Personal Injury Claims, Law Firm Back Office, Corporate Legal Support etc.

World Outsourcing Resource Center

Chandigarh, Delhi

Litigation Support, legal Research, Contract, patent etc.

Yantram BPO Services Pvt. Ltd.



Nagaraj said...

Good Work.. There are so many LPOs in Bangalore... i didn't knew.. Thanks for the post

Venus Sharma said...

Hey Jagriti, there is one more GEIPER Consulting. As you have added from smallest to the biggest LPOs in India. So thought of adding our's as well.

RockHigh said...

Good work..few have them have closed down. I think you would like to add


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To be honest, that's quite a number of agencies wholly dedicated to legal process outsourcing services. I must say there's just no stopping for process outsourcing expansion and the works.

Anonymous said...


Good Job. If possible Kindly clean up the list and post only the ones which have an operational base as of now.
Many of these of the LPo's listed above are no longer in the business.
Trust you can do that.

Stela James said...

You have done well keep it up.
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Unknown said...

hi , i am doctor , i want to know about companies which offer medico-legal processing outsourcing in bangalore . please help.

June Harris said...

Brickwork India also provides Legal Process Outsourcing services provider. Brickwork India has been mentioned in two bestsellers - 'The 4-Hour Week' by Tim Ferris & 'The World is Flat' by Thomas Friedman.

Idea! said...

Hello Author,

One important global KPO is left out in the list... Stellarix ( Stellarix has offices in Jaipur (Rajasthan) and Chandigarh in India.

Niddhi said...


Promax Legal is an one excellent Lpo vendor providing cost effective e-discovery and document review, legal research and business analytical, contract drafting and abstraction,and legal coding services to U.S, U.K. and Canadian law firms and corporations......visit us at

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In order to apply for registration as a patent agent, one has to be a citizen of India, above the age of 21, and should have a Bachelor’s degree in Science or Engineering from a recognized Indian University or possesses such other equivalent qualifications as the Central Government may specify in this behalf.
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